Monday, February 23, 2009

Journal Entry #4

This last week of class and the lab exercise was a helpful tool in understanding the ways to use Excel. In any business, understanding this application is vital. I had the basic knowledge of this program, but after the lab I was able to take my knowledge up one step further.

When developing any new idea, understanding technology is key. Anytime where organizing numbers and reading data is involved, being able to use Excel to organize everything saves a lot of time. Taking the time to learn it may be hard, but it will pay off in huge ways.

Although I still have a lot more to learn about the intricacies about Excel, I feel that I have taken my knowledge a step further. Down the road as a continue to advance my career, a knowledge in excel will help me out in so many ways. Having this knowledge is key for any student who is trying to be successful in the work force right now.

1 comment:

  1. Hi; Here is the second comment for your blog project. I don't have any negative critiques in regards to the content and format. However, you may need to post a couple more articles. Actually, I recommend you to write each week posting even though it is late. You can still get partial points for your late posting. -Youngseek
